martes, 16 de agosto de 2011


The Case Of Iidor Fink

a muerder

the Isidor death is a very strange situation due to the extremely security that he had in his laundry. something that could have happened could be:
in that time there were many criminal gangs around the city and he would have done something wrong, for example help someone of the other gang or give his laundry services to the wrong person and somebody who he trusted could have killed him for bussines, because it had to have been done for somebody that he knew .

another possibility should have been a suicide, because he had a inpenetrable laundry for all the security that it had, he may have hidden the gun.

the case of the vanishing children

it is a funny history , because all the people were find them without success.
if the children was playing in a field , they would have been tired and they should have taken a rest to go to their house , but the father had to have taken care of their childrens.

supernatural happenings in the temples?

it could have been a real miracle is wonderful have seen it, because it doesn't have explanation.
maybe some people might have done something to deceive the ganesha followers to have more faith in thier culture and attrac more followers or simply it was a miracle.

is this a photograph of the loch ness monster?

I think that it would have been a hoax to scare the population around there, or they wanted to make some money with this pictures, monsters doesn't exist , maybe could have existed different animals in that, and people didn't know thta it exist, i think that is a falsehood

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