sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011


A project charter is a way to manage a project. It should require at least these components: An overview section, an approach section and an approval section.

About the overview section, the first thing is the project formal name, followed by the purpose and limitations.

Is important to emphasize in project sponsors and all the documents that are going to help to be clear about the scope and terminology of the whole project.

Respect the approach section, is like a deeper overview of the project, and it says how and in which particular moment the project will be completed.

It includes the deliverables, the responsabilities of each person that conforms the work group, in other way, those are the roles for everyone.

The people in charge should be attending to necessary resources topic and of the schedule, that includes all the stages that should be done in order to the project progress.

Finally, the approval section although is the simplest section to put together, is really important for the project's eventual succeess. It has to indicate that the major stakeholders are satisficed with the all details in the project, and in case that resources from other people are required, a representative from each of that people should be named.

This summary was based on the next article:

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