jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

"Fiestas de la trova y el chocolate" celebration from Cocorná, Antioquia

This party took place from August 20 of 1998 to now becouse Cocorná was in a terrible moment. The town was been hit by the violence, so people decided to go out to the square all together to show the guerrilla that they were there to reject that etupid war. They took bricks, firewood and many staffs out and people spent all nigth out side and they keep doing it every year.

Each August 20 the best troubadours go there to sing and people make chocolat with bread or any kind of food and spend all nigth enjoying. The municipal administration give brown sugarloaf, bricks, firewood to every body for free. These is a very especial and symbolic date even though the guerrilla is not there anymore.

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