jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

The Real Story Behind van Gogh's Severed Ear

By CHRISTEL KUCHARZ. Available on line at http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=7506786&page=1
Vincent Van Gogh was a famous Dutch Painter and one of the most important artists, symbol of painting, but maybe he is also well known because of his self- harm in the left ear lobe. The official version says that after he has a heated argument with his friend Paul Gauguin, an important painter too, he decided to cut off his own ear with a razor blade, and after that he gave it to a prostitute as a gift. However, recent researches done by a two German historians could show the real history about this matter.

They claim that Van Gogh was injured by his friend Gauguin after they dad a fight shortly before Christmas 1888. The story began in Arles, Southern France, when they used to live together at the famous “Yellow House”, but when Gauguin told Van Gogh his plants to leave him and go back to Paris, this last one got annoyed and tried to attack Gauguin; so, as a defense act, Paul takes out his sword and accidentally cut of the Van Gogh’s left ear lobe.

The historians say that this “true version”, it unknown by the world, because the two friends agree each other, to tell nothing about what happened that night, according to a “Pact of Silent”. This version is supported with a lot of letters that Van Gogh wrote to Paul Gauguin and his bother Theo, when there’s many hints like for example: “I will keep quiet about this and so will you” or this one: “A man with sealed lips, I cannot complain about him”.

The mystery is still alive, but as soon as possible the investigations continue, the word will know the real story about the Van Gogh’s ear…

martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

The mistery case of a baby in Chia!!!!!

In september, 2008, a little baby named Luis Santiago was reported as missing, since then, his parents started a  seach with the help of the police, other authorities and all the people.
He was only 11 months,  they tried to find their baby  as fast as posible , but some hours later, an  informant told something to the uthorities due to an reward,  by that time, it was 20 million. Before that, it was thought that this case was a revenge with his mother or a kidnaping because his father had gotten a loan for 8 millions pesos.
The informer said that the father asked  him to take the baby for $300.000, the father offered 200.000 pesos more later to the same man, but he did not agree.
A second informer said that the father propoused him to  kidnap the baby, then, there was another similar version and the police started to think seriously in the father as the responsable of this case.
He was interrogated and there was many contradictions about places and times; trhee days after the disappearance, the baby was found died, and as police was thinking, his father was the author of this crime, although being in the streets searching for his child and asking for help to the rest of the country, it is anbelievable but he killed his own child.


The Case Of Iidor Fink

a muerder

the Isidor death is a very strange situation due to the extremely security that he had in his laundry. something that could have happened could be:
in that time there were many criminal gangs around the city and he would have done something wrong, for example help someone of the other gang or give his laundry services to the wrong person and somebody who he trusted could have killed him for bussines, because it had to have been done for somebody that he knew .

another possibility should have been a suicide, because he had a inpenetrable laundry for all the security that it had, he may have hidden the gun.

the case of the vanishing children

it is a funny history , because all the people were find them without success.
if the children was playing in a field , they would have been tired and they should have taken a rest to go to their house , but the father had to have taken care of their childrens.

supernatural happenings in the temples?

it could have been a real miracle is wonderful have seen it, because it doesn't have explanation.
maybe some people might have done something to deceive the ganesha followers to have more faith in thier culture and attrac more followers or simply it was a miracle.

is this a photograph of the loch ness monster?

I think that it would have been a hoax to scare the population around there, or they wanted to make some money with this pictures, monsters doesn't exist , maybe could have existed different animals in that, and people didn't know thta it exist, i think that is a falsehood

Real life unsolved Mysteries by Alejandro Londoño

In the case of children Vaughan, I think they may have been abducted by aliens, because they were playing in the field and then they disappeared for three days. They couldn’t have survived without food. They may have been takenby Aliens for three days and then they may have left close to home to the family could find them.

In the case of Isidor Fink
I think, Mr. Fink could have been very frightened by gangsters, as well he might have gone crazy , trying to protect his money.
He may have seen something strange and he could have committed suicide for his paranoid and also is possible that the police didn’t have to reported the truth and they may have stolen some of his money and they could have said to people that the murder was a mystery.

1. the case of isidor fink
Isidor might be seriously wounded out side and he got into his fortress and locked all the fortress.

Probably, he had a lover and She knew all about he and his fortress, so she was able to leave from the fortress by another exit, a secret exit. She could have got in, stole him and killed him.

2. the case of vanishing children

They were kidnapped for any relative and the relative had to threaten them and managed to give them something that got sleep them.

The oldest brother managed to convince his sisters to go to the wood to play and they got lose and when they were coming back they saw the fuss around them so the brother migth have felt very frightening and they decided to tell every body that they were sleeping and they can remember nothing.

3. Supernatural happenings in the temples?

People´s mind managed to do anythingh they want. if you believe in somthing it can happen.

Someone was able to play with the people´s faith and could do that the statues did that to get money.

4. The Loch Ness Monster

there are many animals that couldn´t have been founded and maybe these is one of them.

It can be a prehistoric animal or the fothography could have been faked.

Real Life Unsolved Mysteries

The case of Isidor Fink

Maybe, Isidor was hiding something. He was an immigrant, not family, not friends... That's suspicious... Somebody could kill him because he could have problems in Lithuania, I don't know. About the crime scene, is probably the murderer had escaped across the roof or the hearth. For me it's not a mystery, it's a very good thought murder.

The case of vanishing children

I have ever believed in life in others planets. I think those children could be kidnapped by extraterrestrial and their porpuse might be to take samples of people for... something...

Supernatural happenings in the temples?

For me that's not a miracle. I could think that's a unreal situation, that should be done by a magician or an illusionist. That's incredible, I must see it to believe.

Is this a photograph of the Loch Ness Monster?

The ocean's depth is still unknown. What kind of animals or monsters are there? We don't know. Now, it's said the Loch Ness Monster was seen in a lake but what is about it depth?, Nobody know! It could think in other kind of life in those places where the occupants are adapted to that enviroment and don't need come out! I think the Loch Ness Monster was there by a mistake!


The Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305

dbcooper 7 Bizarre Unsolved Mysteries

On November 24, 1971, a man that resembled Michael Douglas’ character in Falling Down sat down and requested a soda. The man is D.B. Cooper and he is about to become an American legend. After lighting a cigarette he passed the stewardess a note saying that he’ll detonate a bomb if he isn’t given $200,000 in cash and four parachutes.

After the FBI gives him the money and parachutes, he straps it to himself and asks for the plane to go to Mexico City. After 45 minutes in the air he offers each of the stewardesses $2,000 dolars, opens a door in the back, and jumps into the darkness and rain.

Maybe a possible explication is that he had balls that were made of diamonds. Expert experienced paratrooper and skydivers swear that there is no way he could have survived the jump but no body is ever found.

I think, this is just another picture taked from a movie, and if it would really happen, all the crew had died because of the descompresion.

The Dyatlov Pass Accident

Mountain formation near Saranpaul.jpg

Nine Russian cross-country skiers went on a trek through the Ural Mountains in 1959. They were forced to set up camp during a snow storm but something scared them enough to make they went to a near forest wearing practically nothing. Not surprisingly, all were found dead afterwards. None of them had any signs of outward trauma.

The most strange is four were found in strange circumstances: two had crushed ribs, one had a crushed skull, and one was missing her tongue. These four were found with radiation and families swear that their skin turned orange and their hair white.

I think that the skin color can have a medical explication and everybody made a bid deal of nothing.

Mary Celeste

Mary Celeste 250203

On November 7, 1872 the ship departed New York with Captain Briggs, his wife, young daughter and a crew of eight. The ship was loaded with 1700 barrels of raw American alcohol bound for Genoa, Italy. The captain, his family and crew were never seen again. The ship was found floating in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar. There were no signs of struggle on board and all documents except the captain’s log were missing.

In early 1873, it was reported that two lifeboats grounded in Spain, one with a body and an American flag, the other containing five bodies. It has been alleged that these could have been the remains of the crew of the Mary Celeste. However, the bodies were apparently never identified.

I think this is a real mystery or maybe they just lost the way, but it doesn't have many sense for a captain with a lot of experience.

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Real Life Unsolved Mysteries

The case of Isidor Fink

I think that one the few friends in who Fink had confidence managed get in the back room with him and when the man saw Fink had kept money in his pockets and in his cash register, he wanted to steal but first he killed Fink, then he was able to ran away by a secret exit which Fink showed him. Then the police couldn't found anything.

The case of the vanishing children

A theory about it: The children were playing in the field and they were very curious, they could drink or eat something that cause unconsciousness and for that reason they fall in that ditch and as the children were fast asleep, they couldn't made sign to be found.

Supernatural happenings in the temples

I think that this may have was a hoax to draw attention of thousands people. The statues might have had a place to deposit the milk and in this way make believe to people that the statues were drinking milk that it was a miracle.

And other possibility is someone managed to get the milk from the temple without being seen.

The Loch Ness Monster

Many people think that the monster of the loch Ness might be a dinosaur who has not extinguished or may be an animal undiscovered, but really I don't think, because if this is truth why nobody can't have taken a good photography of Ness.

I think that people may be confused with logs or sticks in the water in the shape of a neck and a head. I don't know but I think that the photography is not very clear.

i think it was probably a result of a great job made by the criminal , or posibly the guy just got shotand posibly in his atempt at surviving could probably have closed the door accidently , or he just wanted this case to be unsolved , and that could be posibly the reason he was found locked up.


posibly these children were poisoned by someone , and afterwards left near their home , or posibly they were just mesing with their parents and as they realized their joke turned into a serious issue , they knew they were gonna be punished by their parents , so they decided to lie to avoid being punished.

i dont know how did it happen , in fact id call this one ''fake'' probably some obseesed dude just wanted to make people belive in this kinda bullshit , and managed to make this milk dissapear or something like a trick


well i kinda think its real ,not only because the scientific tests affirmed it wasnt fake , but also because we have only discovered a 5% of the sea animals , so thinking about other kind of animals makes sense

Course 15 CCA:

Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima was born on 18 September 1976[1]), commonly known as Ronaldo, is a retired Brazilian footballer who last played for Corinthians. Ronaldo was one of the most prolific scorers in the world in the late 1990s and the early 2000s. He won his first Ballon d'Or as the European Footballer of the Year in 1997 (aged only 21) and again won the award in 2002 (26 years old). Additionally, he is one of only two men to have won the FIFA Player of the Year award three times, along with French footballer Zinedine Zidane.Ronaldo has played for Brazil in 97 international matches, amassing 62 goals. He was a part of the Brazilian squad that won the 1994 and 2002 World Cups. During the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Ronaldo became the highest goalscorer in the history of the World Cup with his 15 goal, surpassing Gerd Müller's previous record of 14.

1 Club career

1993: Cruzeiro

1994–1996: PSV Eindhoven

1996–1997: Barcelona

1997–2002: Inter Milan

2002–2006: Real Madrid

2007–2008: AC Milan

2009–2011: Corinthians

Course 15 CCA: World Grits Festival

Good gawd, ya'll, grits have gone Up Town.That's right!

Americans eat about 100 million pounds of grits each year. And that' s not all consumed south of the Mason-Dixon line. In fact, grits are eaten in every state of the Union, usually by Southerners who have been transplanted there.

Anything as popular as grits deserves its own annual festival. So each April the good folks of St. George, S.C., stage their annual World Grits Festival which draws tens of thousands of grits lovers, and some of the curious, to their town about an hour west of Charleston.

The highlight of the festival has to the Rolling in the Grits competition. A kiddie pool is filled with cooked grits and contestants dive in and coat themselves with as much grits as possible in 10 seconds. Contestants wear big hats and loose pants with lots of pockets because the person with the most pounds of grits on his or her body wins the $75 first prize.


Theories about: real life unsolved mysteries

1. The case o Isidor Fink.

This is a strange case of murder because this person didn`t seem to have people close but he made have May a loan of money form the wrong person whish can`t stand it took to pay and decided that best way to pay whit life was.

Another possible theory could be that he has problems in their country of origin and people who he already had problems located at him in NY and then left everything to avoid leaving fingerprints.

Also he could have had a girlfriend hid whit enough confidence to enter end leave without forcing all, close again to leave no trace.

2. The case of vanishing children

In the case of children Vaughan they could have used some herb that would cause unconscious and the search engines should be more careful whit one of each of the corners.

Another possible explanation is that they may have been kidnapped and later released by the insistence of the search party and then the raptor could have threatened not to say anything.

Children also may have tried to escape and later may have regretted to see that they could catch.

3. Supernatural happenings in temples

In the world they are many hoaxters playing whit the faith of people and this case couldn´t have been a miracle, this case must have made a mockery of someone in a temple that was copied elsewhere in the word to earn the same amount of visitors that the first temple and this was believed by people guided by their faith that increased the desire for this to be real.

4. The photograph of the loch Ness Monster

Actually the picture is not clear enough to indicate a theory

Although DR. Wilson has been the most distinguished, this picture could have been a montage in which he and his friend got something in the water similar to the monster and photographed to make money taking advantage of the commotion caused by the rumor last year.

But although this was not a photo montage that could have been a simple branch of a tree floating in the water, along whit the idea that there was a monster let to believed it was real.


It´s is out of any discussion that Lionel Messi left all his soul in the game which Real Madrid vs Barcelona Played yesterday.
Messi just has made a little pre-season and he played all the match.

Before He scored a great goal we can see to him throwing up and a little ill. however, he vomited he show one more time that he is the best soccer player in the world.

In the Santiago Bernabeu was too hot, it and to be tired were the mail reasons to his illness.

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

The most beautiful eyes in the world !

This article goes about the most beautiful eyes in the world. The most widely-known websites in the world undertook the challenge to find the most beautiful eyes in the world. As a result they found out that the ten most beautiful eyes were..

In spot number ten the Hollywood actress belleCharlize Theron. In spot number nine the Italian icon Sophia Loren. The Canadian actress Kristin Kreuk took the 8th place.The 7th place was for the 40 year old ChefGiada De Laurentiis. The  one that took the 6th place ( in my opinion the one that has the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen ) is the afghani child Sharbat Gula. Audrey Hepburn took the 5th place.

 The 4th was for Elizabeth Taylor. Lynda Carter was placed in spot number 3. One of the most attractive women in the world Angelina Jolie took the 2nd place of this list.  


Finally but not least the women with the most beautiful eyes in the world according to this article is the Indian actress Aishwarya Rai.


viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011


1. The case of Isidor Fink

Thanks to the bullet hole in his left wrist, we can say that he tried to protect himself of something or somebody, but he couldn´t do it. He was scared of something or somebody and that was the reason why he locked himself in; but I think that this person or thing managed to get in the laundry and kill him while he was locked inside.

Another theory is that he was cleaning his gun and something happened and it shut and he tried to protected himself but he couldn´t, and the gun shot several times when it was falling and maybe is hide somewhere in the laundry.

2. The case of the vanishing children

I believe that the children were playing and they hid from their parents, but they fall sleep and didn´t realize everything that happened.

Another theory is that somebody managed to give something to the children before they went out and the children fallen sleep because of that and this person couldn´t found them, but the farm laborer did after four days.

3. Supernatural happenings in the temples?

I think that someone managed to get inside the Temples and managed to disappeared all the milk by drink it or threw it away. They could have got in through the window or maybe stayed hide inside.

Or another theory is that maybe some animals may drink the milk when nobody were paying attention.

4. Is this a photograph of the Loch Ness Monster?

I want to believe that this photograph is true, because Loch Ness is too large and perhaps something may be hiding there. But I think that the photograph was a fraud and shouldn´t do it, because they played with the people hope.

I hear that they managed to take pictures of something really big, like a doll or something that they made, inside the lake; and then they told everybody that it was the Monster.

If I had to compose a theory I could say that it was a wood structure with fabrics all over it. Or maybe it could be the trunk of an elephant that managed to go to Scotland.